Sunday, August 30, 2009

Your Best Exercise Overall for a Quick Way to Build Muscles

Best Exercise for a Quick Way to Build Muscles

What is the best exercise overall for a quick way to build muscles? The clean and jerk.

This one exercise incorporates multiple moves that work nearly every muscle in the body. And when doing this exercising utilizing proper technique, you will get the maximum effectiveness of the move in building the muscle.

Watch this Video for proper execution of this move:

Here is the written description of the clean and jerk exercise:

1. Stand in front of the bar with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend down to grasp the bar with an overhand grip.

2. As you bend down, keep your back slightly arched by keeping your shoulders back and your chest out.

3. Bend down until your thighs are about parallel to the floor, keep your feet flat and take a deep breath (position A).

4. With your arms fully extended, elbows pointing out, shoulders over the bar and shins close to the bar, begin to pull by extending your knees and hips and raising your upper body (position B).

5. Keep the bar close to your body, look straight ahead and maintain the arch in your back.

6. As the bar reaches a point just above your knees, thrust your hips forward, start shrugging your shoulders and raise your heels powerfully off the floor (position C).

7. Keep shrugging your shoulders as high as possible, pulling the bar up to neck height (position D).

8. As you reach neck height and rotate your arms under the bar, bend your knees to catch the bar, keeping your upper body erect and your back slightly arched (position E).

9. Come to an upright position, take another deep breath and bend your knees. As you explode upward, locking out your knees, you'll also raise your heels off the floor in a powerful drive of the bar overhead (positions F and G).

10. Exhale as you lock out (position H).

11. Once you lock your arms out, lower the bar to your chest and then to the ground. Repeat.

Written steps provided by;col1

More great exercise tips to advance you muscle building efforts can be found at ==> quick-ways-to-build-muscles.

Have fun with it but remember safety first by using proper form.

To your muscle building success,

Tracy Haynes

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Quick Ways to Build Muscles Rock Solid Exercise Training Approach

Okay, so if you are reading this post, you must be looking for quick ways to build muscles in your exercise training. Well, I am committed to giving you what you want to help you achieve your goals so here is your answer.

Now mind you, this technique will bring you and your muscles to your knees. Why? Because you're going to work and work hard. You have to. It's the only way to get your muscles to grow.

Now, I not talking about ripping your muscles to shreds...but I am saying that this routine will break those muscles fibers down to where they are rebuilding after every exercise and ultimately causing muscle growth. That's what you want, right?

So here we go...

When you get to the gym, make sure you have a spotter cause you're going to push your muscles to their limits, especially on the last reps of the last set of each move and you don't want to cheat on your form or you are comprimising on your growth potential.

Start with a 10 minute warm up on the treadmill. A gradual increase in speed in the first 3 minutes then run for 5 minutes at a moderate pace. Then slow the speed back to a gradual walk.

Then stretch. Make sure and stretch all muscle groups holding for a minimum of 10 seconds.

Then hit the weights. 8 exercises will cover the entire body effectively including abs, biceps, and triceps. A sample list is squats, hanging leg raise, bench press, seated rows, incline bench press, pull-ups, chin ups, and tricep dips.

Perform a routine involving 4 sets. Start with 12 reps and decrease on each set by 2 while increasing the weight by 5 pounds. Here's an example:

Set #1 - 12 reps 30lbs 30 second rest
Set #2 - 10 reps 35lbs 30 second rest
Set #3 - 8 reps 40lbs 30 second rest
Set #4 - 6 reps 45lbs going to failure within last few reps

(if failure isn't reached on last few reps of last set, increase weight in beginning next time the exercise if performed.

That is the routine to use as one of your quick ways to build muscles. You can follow this plan for 4 weeks until it is time to change it up in order to "shock the muscle" to give it a jump start.

When it's time to switch up your routine, go to ===> quick ways to build muscles for more exercise training examples.

Remember to give your muscles a rest after your workout. A one day break is good...two days is better.

All this information and more is available at ==> quick ways to build muscles.

Give the routine a try. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

To your muscle building success,

Tracy Haynes

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Explosive Circuit Training Routine for a Quick Way to Build Muscles

There are a number of variations that can be used to help you in your attempt at finding quick ways to build muscles. Arguably, one of the most effective have to be the good ole’ circuit training technique. This is the one muscle building training method that will help kick your results into overdrive.

So what is circuit training?

Circuit training is a way to work the whole body in timed increments. Continuing to keep an elevated heart rate allows for improved cardiovascular health. Plus, this method off training will have a full body workout achieved in a minimal amount of time. The exercise can be done anywhere and made to be as hard or as easy as you would like.

As a way to provide quick ways to build muscle, HIT circuit training workouts are kept short which limits Cortisol production while capitalizing on the intensity of the work. Plus, by working in an anabolic state, you’re prompting fat burning at a higher degree.

Learn more muscle building techniques here ==> quick ways to build muscles.

To achieve a muscle building state in your circuit training workout, the number of reps in the routine need to be reduced while the weight for the exercise needs to increase.

Using a cable machine, take look at this upper body muscle building circuit routine:

1. Cable chest press
2. High row
3. Shoulder press
4. Cable bicep curl
5. Reverse grip tricep extension
6. Cable crunch

Perform 4 sets of each circuit starting with 12 reps on the first set.
Perform the second set doing 10 reps but increase the weight by 5 to 10 pounds.
Repeat the process through the 3rd and 4th set, lowering reps by 2 and increasing the weight by 5 to 10 pounds.

Do not rest between the exercises in the circuit other than possible setting up the equipment for the next exercise.

Maintain proper form and technique:

• Use full range of motion
• Use slow controlled moves
• Exhale on the lift and inhale on the release
• Stretch before exercising

Try out this sample routine but don't get hung up on the same old thing. Check out more sample routines to help with quick ways to build muscles,
go to ===> quick ways to build muscles.

More great training information is provided in the quick ways to build muscles training series. Sign up for it at the right of this post.

To your muscle building success,

Tracy Haynes

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

3 Bread and Butter Exercises for Quick Ways to Build Muscles in Your Abs

Ab work is an important aspect in the quick ways to build muscles and getting the ripped poppin’ 6 pack look you want. The good news is that if you’re performing all of your exercise routines correctly, your abs are already getting a good workout.

But to really put some focus on the midsection and help bring those abs out, you can perform specific exercises to target work in that area.

Here are 3 bread and butter exercises to build your abdominals and get a ripped 6 pack:

Hanging leg raises – (Stretch):

While hanging from a chin bar using an overhand grip, raise your slightly bent legs (15ยบ) level with your hips focusing on using your abs to lift. Then lower your legs back to an extended position. To increase intensity, lift legs higher each rep and/or add ankle weights. Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Weighted woodchoppers – (Functional rotation):

Using the cable machine, stand perpendicular to the hand grip placed in the top position. Reach up and grab the hand grip with both hands and pull the grip down and across the body. For example, if the grip is on the right side of your body, reach up using both hands and pull the cable down and across your body toward the outside of the left knee. A slight bend at the knee can occur during the movement. Focus on using the obliques to turn and crunch. Keeping fo Do 3 sets of 15 reps using a weight that brings fatigue on the last rep of the last set.

Weighted cable crunch – (Contraction):

Using a rope handle or bar to grip, get on your knees in front of the station and pull the bar down bringing your forearms to your knees and head to the floor as you curl as the waist. Return slowly back to starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 reps using a weight that brings fatigue on the last rep of the last set.

As your abs get stronger, increase reps to 25 and sets up to 6. Or, for added variation, increase the resistance by adjusting the weight. That will intensify your workout and add to the quick ways to build muscles.

More muscle building ab routines can be found at ===> quick ways to build muscles
If you are interested in more specificity regarding 6 pac abs, take a look at ===> 6 pack abs in 6 months.

More great training information is provided in the quick ways to build muscles training series. Sign up for it at the right of this post.

To your muscle building success,
Tracy Haynes

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Powerful Negative Impact of the Lack of Sleep on Your Quick Ways to Build Muscles

For you quick ways to build muscles, you're probably already aware of the necessity of proper training and diet. And although you've probably heard the statement that getting the right amount of sleep is important to your health, did you know that it too has a direct impact on your muscle building endeavors?

See, while you're noctural hours have your eyes closed and mind in relaxed mode...the rest of your body is going to town producing hormones and repairing muscle tissue. And while of course the production of the human growth hormone occurs during this time and is very important, two other hormones are also produced during the four stages of the sleep cycle.

The two hormones are Leptin and Ghrelin. Both of these hormones play a direct factor in appetite control and fat storage. Leptin being the one that says, "Hey, I'm full" and Ghrelin saying, "Man, am I'm hungry."

With that in mind, let's consider again the role of your diet. You have to eat to feed the muscle right? But you don't want to eat and gain fat. So in order to maintain a healthy balance and keep your metabolism in sync, you need to be sure that there are proper levels of those hormones produces nightly...or whenever you sleep schedule is.

There is no set amount of time when those hormones are produced. However, it is believed that somewhere into the 4th hour of sleep is when those hormones begin production and continue being produced into the 8th consecutive hour of sleep to create a sufficient amount of the stuff.

This is simply another reason why sleep plays such an important role in your quick ways to build muscles.

Now, of course there is a lot more to those role these two hormones play in your body. And if you're interested in learning about it, here is a short read to help give you more information. Click here.

Want to learn more...take a look at ===> quick ways to build muscles.

Don't forget to sign up for the free "Quick Ways to Build Muscle" Training Series to help you on your way to getting the body you want. Just leave your name and e-mail in the form to the right of this post.

To your muscle building success,

Tracy Haynes

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick Ways to Build Muscles Using This One Key Exercise

One key exercise that should be incorporated into your workout routine for one of your quick ways to build muscles is the clean and jerk.

Now if you're like I was, you might be thinking that the clean and jerk is reserved for some power lifter performing in the olympics. Okay, maybe I am the only one who thought that. But truth be told, I never realized that move was so beneficial for building muscle until I went through my training in Exercise Science.

I wanted to describe the exercise for you and all the while keeping this post from getting too long winded. As a result, I found an article that I believe will help in giving the information you need for the exercise. While the writer does provide a lot of detail, including an alternate name for the move, the one key point that should be stressed is using proper form and technique.

1. Exhale on the resistance portion of the exercise (but as stated, most important is simply remembering to breathe)

2. Avoiding using lower back to lift weight in order to avoid injury

Here's the article...

The barbell clean and press should be part of your weight lifting routine. It works multiple muscle groups and helps stimulate hormonal release, which in turn promotes muscle building throughout the body.

It is actually quite simple, and can be easy if you start out with a manageable amount of weight.

So, here we go with with the barbell clean and press.

The muscles worked



Wide stance
Knees inside arms
Overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width
Squat down, feet flat on the floor
Arms extended
Back straight
Bar close to shins
Drive up with legs
Keep bar close to body
Head facing straight ahead
Pull as high as possible
Stay upright
When bar reaches chest or shoulder height, rotate elbows under bar
Push straight up, as in military press
Lower bar slowly to thighs
Squat down with arms extended, back straight
Place weights on floor


Perfect your technique with light weight.
Barbell is lifted from floor to shoulders.
Use the same body/back form for the initial lift and setting the weights back down.
An alternative method is to squat under the bar at chest height, then drive up with the legs and arms into the press position.
Remember to breathe. Whether you breathe in or out at a certain point is less important than making sure you are actually breathing during the exercise.

So, there you go. Add this to your workout routine and you will get positive results in multiple muscle groups.

William is editor of - Muscle Building - Build Big Muscles

Build Your Muscles!

This exercise is a must in your repertoire of moves for quick ways to build muscles.

Interested in more information about muscle building techniques?
Visit ===> quick ways to build muscles.

Plus, don't forget to sign up for the free training series for quick ways to build muscles. Sign in at the form to the right of this post.

To your muscle building success,
Tracy Haynes

Sunday, August 23, 2009

3000 Calorie a Day Sample Diet as One of Your Quick Ways to Build Muscles

One of the biggest factors in finding quick ways to build muscles is your nutrition. In order to gain muscles you need to eat not only the right kind of food but also the right amount at the right time as well. Unfortunately, that's a lot easier said than done.

The good news is that there is some help available. Vince DelMonte, creator of No Nonsense Muscle Building, was kind enough to put together this example.

Here is a 3000 calorie a day sample to give you an idea of how you can approach your daily calorie consumption routine for a quick way to build muscle.

8:00 am Breakfast:

2 cups Cottage cheese, light/low fat
3 cups Bran cereal, all varieties
2 cups Strawberries1
2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils

11:00 am Lunch:

8 oz Chicken breast, skinless
2 1/4 cups Beans, green or yellow
1/4 cup Beans, black
1/2 cup Chickpeas
1/2 cup Cucumber
1 Pepper (bell or cubanelle)
3/4 cup Pasta
1 2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils

2:00 pm Mid Meal:

8 oz Tuna, canned in water
1 cup Celery
1 cup Cucumber
1 Pepper (bell or cubanelle)
1 cup Tomatoes
1 cup Grapes
2 whole Pita
2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils
18 Peanuts

5:00 pm Dinner:

8 oz Beef, lean cuts
2 cups Potato
1 2/3 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils
2 Peppers (bell or cubanelle)
1/4 cup Baked beans

8:00 pm Snack:

4 oz Cheese, low or non fat
2 cups Blueberries
9 Almonds, whole

Total Daily Portions: Protein: 266g Carbohydrates: 342g Fat: 63g Calories: 2999

Interested in more tips to get the body you want?

To your muscle building success,
Tracy Haynes

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to Quick Ways to Build Muscles

Hello everyone. Welcome to the "Quick Ways to Build Muscles" blog. If you're reading this you must be looking for ways to build muscle quick which is a good thing because that's exactly what the information on this page it suppose to provide for you.

If in reading these posts you find you have questions or comments, please e-mail then or leave them in the comment section of the blog.

In the meantime, let's not wait. Go ahead and click on to the next story and learn about a 3000 calorie diet sample that will help provide for one of the quick ways to build muscles.
To your muscle building success,
Tracy Haynes