Friday, September 4, 2009

Build an Awesome Ripped Upper Body Using These Classic Proven Quick Ways to Build Muscles in Your Chest

Quick Ways to Build Muscles in the Chest
Creating the upper body that makes guys jealous and girls want to do a double take isn't as hard as may think.  All you need is to perform the right muscles building exercises for the chest.  Use these three classic moves as part of your normal resistance training routine. Perform them using proper form and applying proper technique and you'll have one of the best quicks ways to build muscles in the chest and a great looking upper body to prove it.

For proper technique, you always want to lift using the full range of motion. Focus on the muscles you are trying to work. Use slow controlled moves as momentum causes other muscles to assist in the lift and takes the work away from the primary muscles the move is intended for. Exhale on the resistance and inhale on the release. Get a spotter so you can always lift the maximum weight while maintaining good form. Bottom line...don't compromise your muscle growth by cheating on your technique.

Here are the 3 moves to give you quick ways to build muscles in your chest:

· Pushups - In a plank position, while keeping your back straight, lower your chest to just hovering the floor by bending at the elbows and repeat. The variety of options in which this exercise can be performed keeps it fresh and challenging.

· Pull ups - Using a wide grip overhand grip and a bar, pull yourself up to where your chin is above the bar. Lower to where your arms are fully extended and repeat.

· Bench Press - While lying on your back on a bench, using a barbell or dumbbells, lower the weight to where it hovers at or just above the nipple line. Push the weight up until your arms are fully extended. Lower the weight again and repeat.

When performing these exercises, you are always looking for improvement, typically identified by increases in weight or resistance. Each time you perform one of these moves, you're looking to improve on the amount lifted by 5 pounds, until you plateau on the exercise. You should target reaching volutionary failure also known as muscle fatigue at the end of each routine on all of your muscles.

Be sure and give your muscles one full days rest at minimum before working the same group again. Use these exercises in their correct form and this is one sure-fire technique for quick ways to build muscles in your chest.

While these exercises help to build muscles in your chest, without a challenging training routine to apply with these exercises you won't get the results you want. The optimal muscle exercise training technique to apply these moves to needs more detail. To get amazing results you can see, go to quick ways to build muscles and discover the best training strategy to build a well defined chest. Plus sign up for your gifts, a guide to 20 ways to avoid screwing up in the gym and free on-line training.

(Are you ready to get your ripped, muscular sexy body?  Go to ===> quick ways to build muscles for the fastest way to build the muscle you want.)

To your muscle building success,

Tracy Haynes
quick ways to build muscles

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