Now if you're like I was, you might be thinking that the clean and jerk is reserved for some power lifter performing in the olympics. Okay, maybe I am the only one who thought that. But truth be told, I never realized that move was so beneficial for building muscle until I went through my training in Exercise Science.
I wanted to describe the exercise for you and all the while keeping this post from getting too long winded. As a result, I found an article that I believe will help in giving the information you need for the exercise. While the writer does provide a lot of detail, including an alternate name for the move, the one key point that should be stressed is using proper form and technique.
1. Exhale on the resistance portion of the exercise (but as stated, most important is simply remembering to breathe)
2. Avoiding using lower back to lift weight in order to avoid injury
Here's the article...
The barbell clean and press should be part of your weight lifting routine. It works multiple muscle groups and helps stimulate hormonal release, which in turn promotes muscle building throughout the body.
It is actually quite simple, and can be easy if you start out with a manageable amount of weight.
So, here we go with with the barbell clean and press.
The muscles worked
Wide stance
Knees inside arms
Overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width
Squat down, feet flat on the floor
Arms extended
Back straight
Bar close to shins
Drive up with legs
Keep bar close to body
Head facing straight ahead
Pull as high as possible
Stay upright
When bar reaches chest or shoulder height, rotate elbows under bar
Push straight up, as in military press
Lower bar slowly to thighs
Squat down with arms extended, back straight
Place weights on floor
Perfect your technique with light weight.
Barbell is lifted from floor to shoulders.
Use the same body/back form for the initial lift and setting the weights back down.
An alternative method is to squat under the bar at chest height, then drive up with the legs and arms into the press position.
Remember to breathe. Whether you breathe in or out at a certain point is less important than making sure you are actually breathing during the exercise.
So, there you go. Add this to your workout routine and you will get positive results in multiple muscle groups.
William is editor of Joewarrior.com - Muscle Building - Build Big Muscles
Build Your Muscles!
This exercise is a must in your repertoire of moves for quick ways to build muscles.
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To your muscle building success,
Tracy Haynes
If you have good willpower and a steady determination then this type of regime is idea in helping build body mass. The only problem is ensuring that you can actually stick to the recommendations.